hardware - tradução para francês
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hardware - tradução para francês

Hardware system; Hardware System; Hardware (disambiguation); H/W; HARDWARE; Hardwares

n. hardware, tools and other small objects made of metal, mechanical equipment; ironsmith
matériel informatique         
n. hardware, computer hardware
n. hardware, ironsmith


In computer systems, hardware refers to the machines themselves as opposed to the programs which tell the machines what to do. Compare software
Military hardware is the machinery and equipment that is used by the armed forces, such as tanks, aircraft, and missiles.
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Hardware refers to tools and equipment that are used in the home and garden, for example saucepans, screwdrivers, and lawnmowers.



Hardware may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para hardware
1. hardware.
What Works on Wall Street _ Jim O'Shaughnessy _ Talks at Google
2. hardware.
Computing Trends Change Everything _ Jon Koomey _ Talks at Google
3. hardware.
iPads in Business _ Julio Ojeda-Zapata _ Talks at Google
4. of time hardware dependent, hardware limited?
Your Brain is a Time Machine _ Dean Buonomano _ Talks at Google
5. have hardware subscription or hardware service models.
Billion Dollar Brand Club _ Larry Ingrassia _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para hardware
1. Contrairement au Nasdaq, l‘Asie est dominée par des groupes d‘infrastructure («hardware») plutôt que de logiciel.
2. Mais nous ne deviendrons jamais leader dans le «hardware». Un rattrapage n‘est peut–ętre pas nécessaire.
3. Au sein des valeurs secondaires, Swisslog (–0.8% ŕ 1.28 francs) a annoncé vouloir élargir ses activités par des acquisitions dans le secteur du Hardware.
4. Dans le cas contraire, le monde sera partagé en deux grands producteurs ÷ le premier dintelligence (software) et déquipement (hardware) et le second de main–dœuvre et dénergie.
5. C‘est désormais enti';rement digitalisé. Grâce ŕ un nouvel hardware que nous avons pour Pékin, nous allons pouvoir fournir les photos–finish en haute définition quasiment en temps réel aux télévisions.